News articles - December 2000 |
Sunday, December 31st, 2000 |
The 2000 Awful Awards
Something Awful have posted their own 3 best and worst games of the year awards. Seems everyone is getting in on the fun. This one is a good read though, it's pretty comical. Check it out >>HERE
The Year is Almost Over...
Well with the year nearly over it's understandable that there's a big lack of news in the world of gaming. It's been a great year with many great games to get us through the good times and the bad. Here's to hoping that 2001 will be even better! I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year and I look forward to great things in the new year. Have a great night out and enjoy the rest of 2000 while it's still here.
Saturday, December 30th, 2000 |
Survivor of the Ages Preview
RPGPlanet have posted their preview of this upcoming RPG title by Alien Logic. The preview is based on the hands-on experience they have with a beta release of the game. Check it out >>HERE
PS2 Oni in Motion...
As you may already know, Oni, the 3rd person action title due out in a few weeks for the PC is also hitting the PS2 at around the same time. After playing the PC demo I can say that this one looks pretty darn cool so far. Check out these movies of the PS2 version on Gaming Age.
Venom Screenshots
GA-Source awakes from its week-long holiday slumber to post three new Venom screenshots, illustrating the upcoming first-person shooter by GSC Game World where you guide a two man squad through a futuristic world.
Source: Bluesnews
Year-End Awards
The award for best awards write-up this year without a doubt goes to GameSpot, whose massive awards article this year spans so many pages it took me 20 minutes just to flip through them all. There are separate (and equally huge) awards for PC and console systems, and at the end of each there is even a reader's choice awards ballot for you to pick your own winners. In other award news ("Awards! They do nothing but give out awards!"), The Shugashack has unveiled the winner of their reader-voted game of the year award (no surprises here), Inside Mac Games has their year in Mac games article up, GameOver has their top 10 worst games of the year online, and Planet Unreal has posted the winners of their UT mutator/mod awards.
Source: Bluesnews
Friday, December 29th, 2000 |
Commandos 2 Preview
Gamer.com have posted their preview of Commandos 2, the upcoming squad-based tactical combat title by Pyro Studios. Check it out >>HERE
Magic & Mayhem Preview
In Quarter to Three's latest 60 second game preview they take a look at Magic & Mayhem: Art of Magic, the upcoming 3D follow-up to the original. Check it out >>HERE
Today's Screenshots
Kingdom Under Fire
Sega developing on Game Boy Advance?
As scary as this may sound it "may" be true. Full article >>HERE
Dreamcast Broadband in January!!
It looks like Sega Dreamcast owners won't have to wait until spring to get some broadband gaming after all. Gamepen followed up on their inital story and contacted Sega's PR folks. According to Sega, the DC broadband adapter WILL be available starting Jan. 9. The catch: It will only be available for sale at first on Sega's web site. Retailers will have the broadband adapter for sale sometime in March.
Source: Stomped
Killer PS2 Games of 2001
Inside PS2 Games has posted a great article which takes a look at what they believe will be the 10 games that will supercharge the Playstation 2 in 2001. I don't think anyone will be surprised to see Oni in that list (which is supposed to hit the PC as well in February 2001).
Source: Stomped
Thursday, December 28th, 2000 |
Quake III Team Arena Review
XGR.com have posted their review of Quake III Team Areana. Is it worth checking out? Full review >>HERE
Review Double Feature at ActionTrip
The guys at ActionTrip have recently posted two new reviews. The first is review is of Giants: Citizen Kabuto and the second is a review of IHRA Drag Racing. Be sure to check them out!
Modus Moriendi Released
Version 0.81 of the Modus Moriendi mod for Deus Ex has been released (thanks Stormtroopers). Modus Moriendi is a multiplayer CTF style mod, and there was actually a 0.8 version released briefly before this so be sure to download 0.81 if you grabbed that during its original release.
Source: Bluesnews
Phantasy Star Online -- First Impressions
Gaming Age have posted their initial impressions of this new multiplayer RPG title for the Dreamcast. Check it out >>HERE
Wednesday, December 27th, 2000 |
The Ward Movie
Interested in seeing how The Ward, the 3D adventure game from Fragile Bits, looks? Check out the movie trailer >>HERE
Outforce Goes Gold!
According to Gone Gold, The Outforce, a strategy title from Stategy First, has gone gold and will be on store shelves later this week. Watch for it.
Bouncer and Zone of Enders to Get Sony's Backing
After letting gamers down with its pathetic launch in 2000, Sony will give it another go when the true killer apps hit the market next year. It's sort of a second launch and if Sony can get machines into stores, then it could finally begin to realize that dream of getting into every living room. Sony certainly has their work cut out for them, they've been making big mistakes left, right, and center, the kind of mistakes that plagued systems like the Saturn. Let's hope they get it right with the next launch of titles. Full article >>HERE
Microsoft Outlines XBox Manufacturing Plans
Understandably, Microsoft has been mindful of Sony's blunders and is taking steps to ensure it does not repeat them with it's own launch. Taking steps to ensure store shelves will overflow with Xbox consoles is one thing, getting consumers to want this new machine is another. This is one console I'm really looking forward to, Microsoft has a lot going for them with the XBox and we all know they have the money to keep this one above water. Microsoft strives for quality products (looks at any game they've published in the past two years) and I'm sure there will be some great titles. Full article >>HERE
Project IGI Savegame Petition
Interested in seeing a save game option in the next patch for Project IGI? Well there's a petition online for just that so go and sign it and let Eidos/Innerloop know just how bad you want a save option.
Medal Of Honor For PC Revealed
I just got my newest issue of PC Gamer in the mail today. The issue, dated Feburary 2001, has a nice article about upcoming games that have a World War II setting, and in the article is the first word on a long awaited game (for me anyway): A PC version of the great Playstation first person shooter series Medal of Honor. The PC version, titled Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, is being published by Electronic Arts and is being developed by 2015 using the Quake III Arena engine. The article states that the game will have the player work by himself or with a unit, as well as drive military vehicles and generally do all the things that you would expect of a great World War II game, including storming a fortified beach, sneaking into enemy bases, and blowing up lots of Nazis. It will be interesting to see how this game will compare to id Software's and Gray Matter Interactive's Return to Castle Wolfenstein (which admittedly has more of a fantasy element to it). The PC Gamer article also has screenshots of the game and should hit newsstands sometime next week. We can expect an official notification from EA on Medal of Honor soon after the holidays.
Source: Stomped
Tuesday, December 26th, 2000 |
Operation Flashpoint Preview
Fan-Seite Flashpoint 1985 has posted a German hands-on preview of Operation Flashpoint, for which ColdWar: Flashpoint provides a hand-written English translation (rather than one of those automatic conversion dealies). The preview is based on a visit to Bohemia's offices in Prague and offers their impressions from the game, including the graphics, units and weapons, gameplay and missions, and other elements in their 3D tactical action game, along with over two dozen new, high-res screenshots.
Source: Bluesnews
Steel Soldiers Preview
Computer Games Online take a look at Steel Soldiers in their preview of this upcoming 3D strategy title from The Bitmap Brothers. Check it out >>HERE
Today's Game Reviews
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 on PCFan.
F1 Championship Season 2000 on GamePower.
Oni Demo on 3DActionPlanet.
Sea Dogs on GameOver.
Space Empires IV on ActionTrip.
Starship Troopers on EuroGamer.
Source: Bluesnews
Sunday, December 24th, 2000 |
Rogue Wars Preview
Beta Bites have posted a preview of Rogue Wars, the upcoming 3D action/strategy title by ReAllis. Check it out >>HERE
Console System Wars
After Playstation 2 sales dropped 71 percent afer the holiday weekend, the console market has become even more confusing. This GameSpot feature talks about the console system wars. They discuss, compare, and rank the top contenders currently available from each company.; the N64, Dreamcast, and Playstation 2. I sold my Playstation 2 but I'll probably buy it again once some good games come out (GT3 and MGS2)
Source: Stomped
Saturday, December 23rd, 2000 |
Blade of Darkness
GameSpy.com have posted a preview of Blade of Darkness, the upcoming melee-combat game by Rebel Act and Codemasters. Check it out >>HERE
Diablo II Patch
Blizzard has now released downloadable patches for Diablo II if you're having trouble applying the auto-update patch that became available earlier this week (story). There is a Windows version 1.04B patch that is recommended for most players, but if you're experiencing CD-ROM problems then you can try the version 1.04C patch. The Macintosh patch is not yet available.
Source: Bluesnews
NOLF Patch & Map Pack
As promised, Monolith has released the first multiplayer map pack for No One Lives Forever, as well as the international version 1.001 patch. Here is a local copy with mirrors of the map pack #1 which offers two deathmatch levels and one HARM vs. UNITY level, and requires upgrading to version 1.001. Also, here is a local copy with mirrors of the international patch, which is exactly the same as the earlier US-only patch (story) but includes support for the UK, German, French, Swedish and Spanish editions of the game. If you already upgraded the US edition, this patch is not needed. Finally, an update to the NOLF Team .plan has word on their plans to release a second pack after the holidays, as well as the NOLF Tools early next year.
Source: Bluesnews
Mechwarrior 4 Map
PC.IGN have posted a new mutliplayer map for Mechwarrior 4, just in time for the holidays. Grab it >>HERE
Real War Preview
PC.IGN have also posted a preview of Real War, the upcoming strategy title from OC Incorporated. Read it >>HERE
Today's Screenshots
Tribes 2
Throne of Darkness
Empire Earth
Europa Universalis -- [preview with screenshots]
Stupid Invaders
Friday, December 22nd, 2000 |
Hitman Patch
Eidos UK has released a minor update to the Hitman: Codename 47 patch, which is now labelled service pack 1a. The only difference to the first patch (story) is that it also addresses the "Language install and generic uninstall problem," and the note that it's not needed for the US edition of the game. Thanks Patches Scrolls, who have a mirror here.
Source: Bluesnews
Today's Screenshots
Blade of Darkness
Sudden Strike
Heart of Winter
Anno 1503
Battle of Britain
Black & White Goes Alpha
More good news for Black & White fans, GameSpy.com received an update from Lionhead's Jamie Durrant, who tells them that the game has officially reached Alpha status. While obviously this means the game isn't done yet, it does mean that they are focusing exclusively on bug hunting, and that for all intents and purposes the design phase is complete. Also, if you're having difficulty downloading the free Black & White Winamp plugin, mirrors are up at Infolder.com, FilePlanet and 3D Downloads.
Source: Bluesnews
Christmas Gift from Westwood
Westwood is giving everyone a Christmas gift this year in the form of a special Red Alert 2 X-mas map. The two player map is centered around a big Christmas tree. Grab it >>HERE
Xbox to have no DVD movie playback
A sad day for XBox news as I'm sure a lot of people assumed that the XBox would be capable of DVD playback like the PS2. I guess they're taking a smarter route because we all know by now how many problems Sony had (and is still having) with the DVD on the PS2. Full article >>HERE
XGR.com is back!!
They're back and kicking off the re-opening with new reviews. A review of Giants: Citizen Kabuto. Be sure to check out all of the new features on the site >>HERE
Thursday, December 21st, 2000 |
Review of Star Trek: DS9 - The Fallen
3D Gaming Daily have posted their review of Star Trek: DS9 - The Fallen, the recent action/adventure title set in the Star Trek universe. It appears they liked the game, giving it a score of 4 out of 5. Check it out >>HERE
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX with Oni on the side
There's a review of Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX up on ActionTrip today. This one is an extreme sports title which was ported from the PSX. Check out the review >>HERE
Also on ActionTrip today is a first look at Oni, the upcoming 3rd person action title which will be released around mid-January. Check it out >>HERE
The Watchmaker Demo
Adventure Gamer has posted a playable demo of The Watchmaker, a 3D adventure by Trecision. The demo takes 30.8 MB to download from 3D Downloads and "allows you to explore some of the full game's locations and solve a couple of puzzles."
Source: Bluesnews
Gunman Chronicles Demo
As promised, although in a different location than expected, Sierra Studios has released the playable demo of Gunman Chronicles for download from their ftp server. The demo clocks in a reasonable 58.9 MB and offers you a chance to try out this first-person shooter by Rewolf Software, including some new locations not available in the full game. Update: mirrors are available at 3D Gamers, 3DDownloads, FilePlanet, and (in Germany)
Source: Bluesnews
Chip Boost for Xbox?
It appears that Bill Gates isn't taking any chances of the Xbox shipping with dated technology. Despite a recent speed increase, Microsoft will be offering developers even more power to play with over the next five years or so. Will the increased speed mean better games? It certainly hasn't been the rule to date, but tell that to Microsoft. Full article >>HERE
Seaman PC-bound
Turns out that Seaman for the PC will be nothing more than a screensaver, still could be interesting though. Full article >>HERE
Sonic Adventure 2 Demo - Movies
Gaming Age have posted high quality MPEG movies from Sonic Adventure 2, this game just looks too cool and I'm really looking forward to it next year. Check out the movies >>HERE
Guilty Gear X Review
I've seen a few movies from this one and it looks to be the best 2D fighting title ever, the animation is just amazing. Gaming Age have posted their review of this one and in case you didn't already know, it's for the Dreamcast. Check it out >>HERE
Wednesday, December 20th, 2000 |
Review Double Feature on ActionTrip
That's right! There are two new reviews posted today at ActionTrip. The first is a review of Star Trek: DS9 - The Fallen and the second is a review of Crime Cities.
Commandos 2 Preview
GameSpot have posted a preview of Commandos 2 today. The preview is based on a demonstration they were given and also contains their impressions of what they saw. Check that out >>HERE
Delta Force: Land Warrior Patch
Yet another patch has been released for DFLW bringing the game up to v1.00.25. The patch adds tournament code, multiplayer improvements, sound changes and more. Grab it >>HERE
TRIBES 2 Movie
A new movie trailer for TRIBES 2 is now available from Sierra Studios in both AVI and QuickTime formats. The trailer offers over a minute of mostly new in-game footage from the team-based first-person shooter that is nearing completion at Dynamix.
Source: Bluesnews
Today's Screenshots
Shogun Warlord Edition
Tribes 2
Gangsters 2
The Ward
Jagged Alliance 3 -- [preview with screenshots]
3rd World -- [preview with screenshots]
Sea Dogs Patch
Bethesda's Sea Dogs site offers a new version 1.04 patch for the just-released 3D role-playing game by Akella for download. The patch fixes a number of bugs, including a game crash on 3dfx video cards, and includes all changes from the previous version 1.02 patch as well.
Source: Bluesnews
Diablo II 1.04 Patch & Patch Problems
The DiabloII.Net Network sends word that Blizzard has released a new version 1.04 of Diablo II, the update can be applied automatically by connecting to Battle.Net. The list of what's affected by the update can be found in the readme. Meanwhile, they have also posted a news update describing problems some are having with the patch, those having problems getting D2 to run are offered the suggestion to reinstall and re-patch the game, while another problem is described in this realm update, with a follow-up in another realm update, talking about characters that may appear to be missing after applying the update due to a change in the limit on the number of characters you may have in each realm. According to this update, this latter problem has now been fixed.
Source: Bluesnews
Spider-Man confirmed for Dreamcast
Remember that great N64 and PSX title that turned out to be the best darn Spider-man game ever? Well it's now confirmed to be released on the Dreamcast and it looks great, check out the full article with screenshots >>HERE
Gunman Demo Out Tomorrow
Interested in finally playing Gunman, the game that has gotten just as many great reviews as bad? Well wait no longer because it should be out tomorrow. I will post a link as soon as I see it. Watch for it!
Tuesday, December 19th, 2000 |
Heavy Delta Released
Version 0.9 of the Heavy Delta mod for Quake III Arena has been released. Heavy Delta is a mod that adds location-based damage and new weapons to Q3A, and this first public version is available for download in DLL format only, but compiled versions for other platforms are promised for the near future.
Source: Bluesnews
Battlecruiser Millennium Preview
Games Domain have posted their preview of Battlecruiser Millennium, the upcoming sequel to Battlecruiser 3000AD. The preview contains gameplay details and is based on a beta test of the game. Check it out >>HERE
Dark Age of Camelot Preview
PC Paradox have written a preview of Dark Age of Camelot, the upcoming multiplayer RPG from Mythic Entertainment. Check it out >>HERE
Sea Dogs Review
The guys at ActionTrip have posted their review of Sea Dogs and name it editor's choice. Sounds like they liked the game. Read the review >>HERE
Is Saddam Hussein taking your Playstation 2?
This is real alright, it turns out that Iraq has bought and shipped 4000 PS2 units. Maybe the next war will be fought with video games, nah probably not... read the full story >>HERE
Final Fantasy IX is number 1
Final Fantasy IX is currently the top selling game of November for the PSX, this comes as no surprise to anyone. It's amazing how such a dated system can still shell out impressive looking titles. Full story >>HERE
4x4 Evolution Hitting the PS2
It's true, the Gathering of Developers off-road racing title will be out for the PS2 sometime next year, watch for it. Full story >>HERE
Monday, December 18th, 2000 |
Shogun: Warlord Edition Announced
EA Games has announced Shogun: Total War Warlord Edition, a re-release of the original Shogun strategy game that comes with a new single player campaign, new battlefield units, new multiplayer modes and more, including the addition of a level editor for those interested in creating their own Shogun campaigns. The Warlord Edition is set for release in Spring of 2001.
Source: Bluesnews
Electronic Arts Possible Developer for Gamecube
Madden NFL and SSX could be reason enough to buy a Gamecube next year -- if it weren't already on the PlayStation2 and Xbox. Hopefully, they'll be looking into a Medal of Honor update or another James Bond first-person shooter for Nintendo's machine so as to not glut the market with ports. Full story >>HERE
Top 20 Best-Selling PC Games For Week Of Dec. 3
Wondering what games have been selling the best? Check out the list >>HERE
Battle Realms Preview
GameSpot have posted their preview of Battle Realms, the upcoming strategy title from Liquid Entertainment. This one is said to be the Warcraft III killer, check out the preview >>HERE
Rogue Spear Map Plug-ins Delayed
According to Rogue Six @ Stomped, John Sonnedecker made a forum post regarding the release of the Rogue Spear map plug-ins. Here is what he had to say:
"Well, I have some good news and some bad news. The bad news is that the plugins will not be released this weekend and probably not until after the first of the year. There are some legal matters that need to be finalized before the release. Even though they are completely unsupported, there are still legal matters that must be attended to. This is beyond my control and I sincerely apologize for you having to wait.
Now for the good news. This will give me a chance to make the tutorials and documentation more robust.
Again, thanks for you're patience and I will post more info as soon as it becomes available."
Full article >>HERE
Source: Stomped
Sunday, December 17th, 2000 |
Oni Windows Demo Released
The Adrenaline Vault has the Windows demo of Bungie's third person action-fighting game Oni ready for download. The 67 meg file gives a glimpse of the anime-inspired gameplay, which will be released in its full version for Windows, Macintosh, and Playstation 2 in late January by Gathering of Developers and Take 2 Interactive.
Source: Stomped |
A Sign of Things to Come...
Starting this week I will be changing the way I update the news. I have so many tables in the news section (especially the archive section) that pages are taking forever to load up. The new layout should make it much easier to update. Watch for it during the week. As always feel free to e-mail me with any suggestions or comments.
~ Mark Dillon |
Saturday, December 16th, 2000 |
TRIBES 2 Preview
Gamecenter have posted a preview of Tribes 2, check it out >>HERE |
Today's Screenshots
Quake III: Team Arena -- [preview with screenshots/movies]
Operation Flashpoint -- [preview with screenshots]
Silent Hunter II |
More on the 3dfx/NVIDIA Deal
Both FiringSquad and Gamers Depot have conducted interviews with Brian Burke, a PR manager at NVIDIA who actually at one point worked at 3dfx himself. In both interviews Brian answers questions about NVIDIA's purchase of 3dfx' assets (story), and he says that 3dfx will still be responsible for drivers for their products. Unfortunately he doesn't comment on any unreleased hardware, including what affect (if any) this will have on the eagerly-anticipated NV20 chipset and whether or not NVIDIA will do anything with the Voodoo brand name or technology.
Source: Bluesnews |
Friday, December 15th, 2000 |
NBA2K1 Review
3D Gaming Daily have posted a review of NBA2K1 for the Sega Dreamcast. It seems they liked the game, giving it a score of 4.5/5. Here's what they had to say about it...
"Early in my first game, I realized that winning contests with my mediocre Celtics would not be such an easy task, even on the moderate difficulty setting. The AI's interior defense can leave something to be desired, but if you don't beat your opponent up the floor, patience and timing will often be needed to find a route to the hoop. On the perimeter, you can occasionally use a crossover move to get by a defender, but there is always the risk of losing control of the ball. The chance for a three point shot arises only periodically and they are not particularly easy to complete."
Full review >>HERE |
Anachronox Preview
Gamers.com have posted a preview of Anachronox based on what they saw of the game during a recent visit to Eidos Interactive. Check it
out >>HERE |
Today's Screenshots
O.R.B. -- [preview with screenshots]
Ultima Online: Third Dawn
Tribes 2
Operation Flashpoint -- [preview with screenshots]
Battlefield 1942 -- [preview with screenshots]
Summoner |
NVIDIA buys 3dfx
This is a huge story in the news, it appears that NVIDIA has bought what was left of 3dfx. Full story >>HERE |
Starfleet Command II First Impressions
Gaming Age has posted their initial impressions of this latest Star Trek strategy title. Is it any good? Full article >>HERE |
Thursday, December 14th, 2000 |
Black & White Video
Gamasutra has posted The Evolution of Black & White, a video recording of a talk Peter Molyneux held at last year's Game Developer's Conference. The video is in QuickTime format, and you'll find a link to it on Gamasutra's main page. Thanks Voodoo Extreme for the tip.
Source: Bluesnews |
Global Operations Announced
Although it's already been talked about in interviews and previews (story and story respectively) Crave and Barking Dog Studios have formally announced Global Operations, their upcoming tactical shooter. The press release contains a decent amount of gameplay details (which is a rarity for something of this nature) including information regarding the SDK for mod authors that will be released along with the game.
Source: Bluesnews |
The Unholy Xbox
GA-Source has received an update from Ken Deel of OtherWorlds Interactive that says The Unholy, their upcoming first person horror-adventure game will be an Xbox exclusive title. Ken gives the usual reasons for the decision, saying that the potential audience is larger, and the platform is more stable. He does say however, that "We will produce a PC version if later the market calls for it."
Source: Bluesnews |
Blade of Darkness Preview
Gamespot UK have posted their preview of Blade of Darkness. Check it out >>HERE |
Wizardry 8 Preview
Computer Games Online takes a look at Wizardry 8, the upcoming RPG title from Sirtech, today in their preview. Check it out >>HERE |
Wednesday, December 13th, 2000 |
Never Winter Nights Preview
Looking forward to this one? You're a big RPG fan if you are.. anyway, ActionTrip have posted their preview of this great looking title. Check it
out >>HERE |
Another Great Alice Review...
ActionTrip have posted a review of American McGee's Alice and guess what? They like it. Check out what they had to say >>HERE
What?? You haven't seen the Video Gamer Guy review of Alice yet?
What are you waiting for, read it >>HERE |
Double Review Feature on PAGN.net
Two reviews for your reading pleasure are up today on the Pan Asia Gaming Network (PAGN).
Sudden Strike Review
"In Sudden Strike, it matters not whether you got a kick-ass group of tanks or just a mere sniper. With decisive planning and preparation, you can win the battle even though outnumbered. There is no building of units, no money to start with and no ore to harvest. Whether you can win the mission all depends on the units you start with."
MechWarrior 4 Review
"Unlike the previous MechWarrior games, where players take the role of a tenderfoot who is trying to earn his ranks, MW4 puts gamers in the role of a seasoned veteran who has a whole planet to save. You play Ian Drusari, prince and heir to the throne of the house of Avion." |
BladeMasters, GorkaMorka Movies
Ripcord has released the intro movies of two of their upcoming games, Legend of the Blade Masters and GorkaMorka, for download from their ftp server. The Legends of the Blade Masters trailer clocks in at 20.8 MB in MPEG format and offers 1:46 minutes of pre-rendered footage setting the story to Ronin's 3D action RPG, while the GorkaMorka trailer weighs in at a hefty 87.8 MB in QuickTime format, but sports only 1:21 minutes of action-packed footage from this oddball racing game set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe by Games Workshop.
Source: Bluesnews |
Today's Screenshots
Battlecruiser Millenium
Warzone Online
IL-2 Sturmovik
Dark Age of Camelot |
Conquest: Frontier Wars Trailer
Digital Anvil has updated their official site (warning: it's Flash heavy) with a new trailer showing off Conquest: Frontier Wars, their strategy game that is complete, but currently without a publisher (story). The trailer is just under 19 MB and in AVI format, and can be found in the Updates section.
Source: Bluesnews |
Starfleet Command II Patch
Wow, talk about a fast patch. Interplay have released a version patch for SFCII that addresses several multiplayer issues and fixes a few other problems. Grab the patch >>HERE |
Hitman Patch
Eidos UK has released a patch for Hitman: Codename 47, updating the third-person action game by IO Interactive. The patch fixes a number of gameplay issues and adds a new slow motion feature. Thanks 3D Files, who have a mirror here.
Source: Bluesnews |
Doctors Discover First Case of 'Nintendonitis'
I know this is a serious matter but I couldn't help laughing at the name of the disorder... why is it named after Nintendo? Makes you wonder. Full story >>HERE |
Electronic Arts Commits to Xbox
Is there ever bad news regarding the Xbox? With each news article it seems that the system is looking more and more promising, with so many big developers backing it, it'll be the shock of the century if it fails. Full story >>HERE |
Tuesday, December 12th, 2000 |
Atomic Games Shuts Down
GameSpot is reporting that Atomic Games, the developers of the Close Combat series for Microsoft has laid off its entire full-time staff. The reason for the layoffs is the cancellation of Hammer's Slammers, a project they were working on that was funded by Gores Technology Group, after Gores exercised their right to cancel the project for "any reason or no reason at all." The company currently consists of owner and president Keith Zabalaoui, director of development Tom Kent and art director Jeff Baker.
Source: Bluesnews |
Insane Review at ActionTrip
The guys over at ActionTrip have posted their review of Insane, the latest off-road racing title by Code Masters. Check it out >>HERE |
Nocturne Series Details
AVault has learned some preliminary details about the television series being produced based on Nocturne, the horror-themed adventure game from Terminal Reality and Gathering of Developers (first discovered in this story). According to their news post, filming could begin on the pilot episode as soon as February 2001, and will feature several of the main characters from the game along with a possible new character: an FBI agent sent in to determine the worthiness of the Spookhouse organization. No specific channel or network has been named, and it is unknown if the show will be syndicated or not.
Source: Bluesnews |
Urban Ops Patch v2.52
Red Storm have released a new patch for Urban Operations, the Rogue Spear add-on pack. The patch contains gameplay fixes, and tweaks to the single player, multiplayer and system mods. Grab the patch >>HERE |
Gran Turismo 3 Official Release Date!
Interested in finding out exactly when this racing title will hit the PS2? Full info >>HERE |
Monday, December 11th, 2000 |
realMYST Review
ActionTrip have posted their review of realMYST, the remake of the classic 3D puzzle game called MYST. Check it out >>HERE |
Battlecruiser Millennium Preview
GA-Sim has posted a preview of Battlecruiser Millennium. Check it
out >>HERE |
Nocturne: The Series?
In a story posted today on Cinescape Online regarding the feature film in production by Wes Craven based on American McGee's Alice (see this story for more details on that), a brief reference is made to a possible one-hour television series based on Nocturne, last year's spooky action/adventure from Terminal Reality and Gathering of Developers. This is the first time any mention has been made of it, so it's hardly set in stone, but it is exciting nonetheless for fans of the game.
Source: Bluesnews |
Battle Isle Patch
Blue Byte have released a new patch for Battle Isle: The Andosia War. The patch improves stability, gives the ability to save multiplayer games, and fixes some other minor issues. Grab the patch >>HERE |
Today's Screenshots
Tribes 2 -- [preview with screenshots]
MechCommander 2 -- [first impression with screenshots]
Neverwinter Nights -- [preview with screenshots]
Dark Age -- [preview with screenshots]
Typhoon |
Massively Multiplayer Online RPG Heads to Dreamcast
Once believed to be an impossibility on consoles, Sega (and its supposedly inferior Dreamcast) will likely be the first to market with a console massively multiplayer online RPGs (MMORPG). There aren't too many details on the game yet, but as Quake III Arena, NBA2K1 and NFL2K1 have proven, Dreamcast owners are loving online play. Full story >>HERE |
Dragon Warrior III Heads to Game Boy Color
It's hard to believe that the Game Boy Color is even beating the big console systems in sales. Read about the latest Game Boy Color title (Dragon Warrior III) >>HERE |
Perfect Dark 2 for Gamecube Launch
You all remember how well Goldeneye helped the launch of the N64, well it looks like Nintendo is at it again because Perfect Dark 2 could be just the thing to boost sales when the Gamecube launches next fall. Full
story >>HERE |
Sunday, December 10th, 2000 |
Freedom: First Resistance Screenshots
Beta Bites has posted six new screenshots showing off Freedom: First Resistance, the upcoming 3rd person action title from Red Storm Entertainment. Check them out >>HERE |
Dark Age of Camelot Screenshots
There are new Dark Age of Camelot screenshots up on the German site, Gildenweb. Check them out >>HERE |
Single Player Deus Ex Patch Soon
This post on the official Deus Ex message board from Ion Storm Austin's Warren Spector states that a single player patch for its action-RPG Deus Ex will be out soon. This patch will be for those of you who do not want to download the big 36 meg multiplayer patch that was released earlier this week. That patch also contains all of the single player fixes that will be released later. Thanks Unreal Universe.
Source: Stomped |
Saturday, December 9th, 2000 |
Blair Witch 3 Review
ActionTrip have posted their review of Blair Witch 3: The Elly Kedward Story. Check it out >>HERE
Oni Screenshots
Eurogamer have posted a gallery 20 new screenshots taken from the PS2 version of this upcoming 3rd person action title. This one is looking hot so far. Check out the shots >>HERE |
Misc. Movies
Eight gameplay movies are up at Daily Radar today, featuring footage from eight different games. Some of the games (like American McGee's Alice) are already available, and the Shadowbane movie in particular was already mentioned last evening (story), but there are other ones of note, including a gameplay movie from Hellboy, the third person action/adventure from Cryo Interactive that's based on the comic book series of the same name.
Source: Bluesnews |
Shemue on the Big Screen?
Video games turned into movies seems to be a trend lately with Tomb Raider due out next summer and word of an American McGee's Alice in the works. It comes as no surprise that the story of Ryo Hazuki would make it's way to theatres. Full story >>HERE |
Project IGI Goes Gold
It looks as if the game has finally gone gold, it looks to be a great title. Watch for a review of that one in the weeks to come. Full info on the game going gold can be found >>HERE |
Friday, December 8th, 2000 |
XGR.com Interviews Levelord
XGR.COM has interviewed the one and only LEVELORD. The man behind such games as Sin, Heavy Metal: F.A.K.K.2, and Scourge of Armagon. He has most recently worked on American McGee's Alice.
Check it out >>HERE |
No One Lives Forever Patch
As promised, Monolith has released the patch for No One Lives Forever, updating the English edition of their recently released first-person shooter to version 1.001. This patch fixes a series of bugs and adds a couple of new features, while the promised multiplayer maps will be released next week. Here is a local copy with mirrors of the patch, along with a complete list of the changes it brings.
Source: Bluesnews |
Wizards & Warriors Patch
Heuristic Park has released a version 1.0 beta patch for Wizards & Warriors, their recently released first-person RPG. The 1.1 MB download, which is not supported by publisher Activision, addresses several game crashes, save game issues, lighting in Direct3D, and a variety of quest-related problems.
Source: Bluesnews |
Tomb Raider Movie Trailer
You've seen her in many games and on many posters, now you can watch the adventures of Lara Croft on the big screen. Angelina Jolie stars as Lara and it's due in theatres next summer, June 15th to be precise. In the meantime check out the 2 minute trailer >>HERE |
Giants Blood Patch
Interplay certainly wasted no time in getting this patch out there. As you may have already guessed it adds blood to the Gitants: Citizen Kabuto, grab it >>HERE |
Emperor: Battle for Dune Preview
Computer Games Online have posted their preview of this upcoming strategy title. They look at the gameplay and offer a few screenshots for you to gaze at. Read it >>HERE |
Giants First Impressions
Gaming Age have posted their initial impressions of Giants: Citizen Kabuto. Check it out >>HERE |
Thursday, December 7th, 2000 |
Morrowind Interview
ActionTrip has an exclusive Morrowind interview today with Lead Designer Todd Howard. He talks about the game world, characters, and all sorts of other interesting RPG stuff. Check it out >>HERE |
American McGee Interview
As promised yesterday, Well-Rounded Entertainment's interview with American McGee is online. The interview contains his thoughts on Alice (including why they decided to drop multiplayer), but also information about what he's doing next, which is actually two games. The first one is "a shooter of some sort for the PlayStation 2" while for the other one, which he will be spending a year in pre-production on, he would like to utilize the Doom 3 engine from id Software.
Source: Bluesnews |
Wednesday, December 6th, 2000 |
XGR.com Reviews
XGR.com today have posted their review of Hitman: Codename 47. Also on the site today is their review of American McGee's Alice. |
Freedom: First Resistance Gold
According to a story at Stomped, Freedom: First Resistance, the third person action/adventure game from Red Storm has gone gold. No official word has come from Red Storm yet, but Stomped is reporting that the game will be available on US store shelves in mid-December.
Source: Bluesnews |
American McGee's Alice: The Movie
Well-Rounded Entertainment has confirmed that American McGee's Alice is being made into a major motion picture (because nothing's ever a minor motion picture). According to their news update, horror film director Wes Craven has signed on to direct, and the screenplay will be written by John August, who penned this summer's Charlie's Angels film. A full interview with McGee is promised to run tomorrow, with more details on the project.
Source: Bluesnews |
Ace of Angels Preview
AVault has posted a preview of Ace of Angels, the upcoming multiplayer space-sim. Check it out >>HERE |
Age of Sail II Preview
A preview of Age of Sail II is up on The Daily Telefrag today. The preview is based on a hands-on experience of the game. Check it out >>HERE |
Putting Alice in Perspective
Here's more Alice configuration help, as a post on Stomped offers word from id Software programmer Jim Dosé on how to enable the first-person viewpoint in Rogue's new third-person offering by entering the command "cg_3rd_person 0" at the console. Setting cg_3rd_person back to "1" returns to the original chasecam.
Source: Bluesnews |
Deus Ex Multiplayer Patch
As promised, ION Storm has released the single- and multiplayer patch for Deus Ex for download from FilePlanet, clocking in at a sizeable 36.0 MB. Additional details on the patch are available in this GameSpy.com news story.
Source: Bluesnews |
Gaming Age Dreamcast Reviews
Gaming Age have posted two new Dreamcast reviews today. They are Skies of Arcadia and Buzz Lightyear of Star Command. |
Tuesday, December 5th, 2000 |
Gathering of Developers Nabs Duke
The unexpected announcements keep coming today, as Gathering of Developers has announced that they have acquired the rights to publish Duke Nukem titles, including the eagerly-anticipated Unreal-engine title Duke Nukem Forever. While speculation suggested this might happen back in 1998 when GoD was formed and 3D Realms was listed as one of the first developers (Max Payne has always been a GoD title, as has the Hunting sim Duke Nukem: Endangered Species) it was thought at the time that the Duke Nukem was tied up with GT Interactive, which has since been acquired by Infogrames. GoD now has the rights to not only DNF, but also the entire Duke Nukem catalog, including the made-for-console titles (such as the just-released Land of the Babes) and the original Duke Nukem 3D.
Source: Bluesnews |
Microsoft Acquires Digital Anvil
Those rumors about Chris Roberts leaving (story) and the cancellation (or retooling) of Freelancer (story) look to have some truth in them, as today Microsoft has announced that they have acquired Digital Anvil, which will be absorbed by the Microsoft Games division. The press release does say that Roberts has left the company, however it also says that he will continue to work with them on the completion of Freelancer (although whether or not it will be completed as it was originally designed is unknown at this time). The fate of Digital Anvil's other two titles, Loose Cannon and Conquest Frontier Wars (which Microsoft recently decided not to publish) is also unknown at this time.
Source: Bluesnews |
Thief 3 Update
Thief 3 in Pre-Production on the TTLG Forums is a thread that discusses the current state of Thief 3 development over at ION Storm Austin, giving a rundown on the portions of the team that are in place, as well as a bit on what to expect from this sequel to the stealth series begun by the now-defunct Looking Glass Studios. This is one game I'm really looking forward to.
Source: Bluesnews |
Tribes 2 Previews
There are three more previews posted today of Tribes 2. The first is a hands-on preview and it can be found at FiringSquad. The second preview can be found at GamesDomain, here. The last Tribes 2 preview for today can be seen on GA-Source. |
Alice Screenshots
There are new screenshots today at GA-Source and Gamespy.com also has some new shots of this great looking game. Be sure to check them all out. |
Indiana Jones & The Infernal Machine Gold
Indy has gond gold for the N64 and is looking better than ever. If it's as good as the PC version was last year it should make for a great action/adventure title for Nintendo. It's coming in 10 days, check out the article >>HERE |
Dreamcast Review x 2 on Gaming Age
Two new Dreamcast reviews can be found at Gaming Age today. Cannon Spike and Test Drive: Le Mans. Be sure to check out their reviews, they looks like great DC titles. |
NOLF Patch Update
The collective No One Lives Forever team at Monolith updated their .plan file with a massive post on what exactly will be fixed in their recently released first person shooter with their first patch, which will be available for download "in a day or so". The next update will concentrate on the multiplayer code for the game. They also plan to release some new multiplayer levels in a separate release, which will include a new deathmatch terrain map (Woohoo).
Source: Stomped |
ActionTrip Reviews Gunman Chronicles
The guys over at ActionTrip have posted their review of Gunman. Check it out >>HERE |
Monday, December 4th, 2000 |
ActionTrip Double Header
The guys over at ActionTrip have started off the week with two new reviews. They review Zeus: Master of Olympus and Call to Power II. Both are strategy titles so be sure to check them out. |
Today's Screenshots
Tribes 2
Throne of Darkness
New World Order
Project Entropia
Europa: Universalis |
Simon the Sorcerer 3D Delayed
According to a news update at Gamers.com Simon the Sorcerer 3D has been delayed after it failed to pass European publisher Hasbro Interactive's QA testing. If that weren't enough, AVault has a news item up that credits an unnamed source who says that Simon 3D has been dropped by SouthPeak Interactive, the planned US publisher of the game. Simon 3D is a 3D adventure game powered by the NetImmerse Engine and developed by HeadFirst Productions, who are also working on Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth. All of today's news is a bit surprising as the game was announced as being gold by HeadFirst almost a month ago (story).
Source: Bluesnews |
Tomb Raider: Next Generation Movie
Oh no! Not another Tomb Raider game, I thought Lara finally died in Tomb Raider: Chronicles, maybe this time she's a zombie. Anyway there's a movie up of this upcoming Lara Croft adventure here. This one will be arriving on the PC, PS2, and XBox as well. I sure hope this one offers something different that we haven't seen done a hundred times in the past. |
Project IGI... Not Gold
This one is pretty disappointing. According to Eidos, the game has only gone gold overseas which means those of us here in North America will have to wait a little longer. In case you haven't tried the great demo yet, grab it here. |
Tropico Preview
Gamers.com have posted a preview of Tropico, the upcoming strategy game from developers PopTop Software. Check it out >>HERE |
Freelancer Canceled?
Late last week sources reported to Daily Radar that Chris Roberts along with Tony Zurovec had left Digital Anvil (story). It looks like it might be true, as AVault is reporting that Freelancer, Roberts' ambitious space-sim (which won numerous rewards at the E3 shows it's appeared at) might be canceled. AVault cites an unnamed source who claims the game will either be scrapped completely or scaled down, saying "what Roberts envisioned is not possible using current PC technologies." Conquest: Frontier Wars, another Digital Anvil title, was canceled last month, when publisher Microsoft decided the game wasn't progressing as they had hoped (story). At that time however, Digital Anvil said they would find another publisher, or even publish the game themselves. No such fate has been uncovered for Freelancer at this time.
Source: Bluesnews |
Sharky Games Previews Nintendo's Gamecube
Sharky Games talks to ATI and lays down a nice preview of Nintendo's next-gen console. There are new details about the machine that are sure to surprise even the most hardcore of Nintendo fans -- like the Gamecube only being able to produce audio in stereo and not Dolby 5.1 as many expected. Read the full article >>HERE |
PlayStation2 Net Fraud Warning
Since the PS2 is in such high demand with the shortage and all, lots of people are trying to cash in by scamming people. Watch out for this, only buy from a source you know you can trust and remember that the PS2's are virtually impossible to get so if a company says they have them in stock don't always believe what they say. |
Shenmue Review
Gaming Age has posted their review of Shenmue for the Dreamcast. I've had the opportunity to play through this one and I can say that it's great. Perhaps I'll write a review of this one as well. For now check out the review at Gaming Age >>HERE |
Gamecube in 2002?
FGNOnline is reporting on yet more Gamecube rumors. According to a news byte in the latest issue of Next Generation magazine, Nintendo may hold the launch of Gamecube until 2002. A Nintendo source told the magazine that programming for the console is proving more difficult than anticipated.
Source: Stomped |
Sunday, December 3rd, 2000 |
Today's Screenshots
Tribes 2
Strike Force UT |
Sadly, that's the only interesting news I could find for you today. Sunday is always a slow day for news. |
Saturday, December 2nd, 2000 |
Offbeat Guide to Improving Your Love Life
The guys over at ActionTrip have posted an offbeat article titled the "T&L Guide to Improving Your Love Life". I know, I know... I can hear you already. Although it has nothing to do with Game News it's an interesting read nonetheless. Check it out >>HERE |
Movie Mania
Daily Radar went to the movies and returned with eight virtual reels of film from a variety of recently released and upcoming games. The movies come in several streaming formats, so grab a bag of popcorn and take your pick from B-17 Flying Fortress, Fort Boyard - The Quest, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, No Escape, Warm Up!, Stupid Invaders, Pro Rally 2001, and Pacific Warriors.
Source: Bluesnews |
Tribes 2 Preview
Daily Radar, having received a beta of Tribes 2 "that doesn't crash every 47 seconds", have posted a brief preview of the upcoming title that virtually everyone is waiting for. Check it out >>HERE |
Action Game Previews
Gamecenter has written a new preview of five upcoming action games under the title Kick Ass and Take Names. The article looks at Command & Conquer: Renegade, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Serious Sam, TRIBES 2 and X-COM: Alliance, and what it lacks in new screenshots it more than makes up for in enthusiasm.
Source: Bluesnews |
Today's Screenshots
The Outforce
Everquest: The Scars of Velious
Emperor: Battle for Dune
Hidden & Dangerous 2
Return to Castle Wolfenstein |
Friday, December 1st, 2000 |
Venom First Look and No Escape Review
ActionTrip takes a look at the upcoming FPS by GSC: Game World titled Venom. They seem to like it, check out what they had to say >>HERE
Also on ActionTrip today is a review of Funcom's "kiddy FPS" titled No Escape. Check that out >>HERE |
Ground Control: Dark Conspiracy Released
Sierra Studios sends along the announcement that Ground Control: Dark Conspiracy has been released, and is now available for free to North American residents (with only a US$ 4.95 shipping charge) from the official site by completing the Free Expansion Offer Form (Adobe Acrobat required). Dark Conspiracy is the official expansion pack created by High Voltage for the 3D action RTS originally developed by Massive Entertainment, and it includes 15 new single player missions, a third faction, and new units and weapons. The press release states that the offer is valid for a limited time, but does not specify the exact duration.
Source: Bluesnews |
Oni Preview
Games.MacNN.com have posted a detailed preview of Oni, the upcoming 3rd person action game from Bungie. Check it out >>HERE |
Emperor: Battle for Dune Preview
GameSpot UK has posted a new preview of Emperor: Battle for Dune. The preview itself doesn't contain very much in the way of new information or screenshots, but they have also conducted a brief interview with Christopher Longpre, who explains the game's place in the Dune universe among other things as well as one with Westwood cofounder Brett Sperry, who talks about their transition to creating a fully 3D strategy game.
Source: Bluesnews |
Tex Atomic's Big Bot Battles Preview
3D Action Planet have posted their preview of Tex Atomic's Big Bot Battles... interesting name. This one is an upcoming robot fighting game by Monolith and Real Networks. Read the preview >>HERE |
Alice Impressions
GameSpot UK has had the chance to play a final version of Alice, the soon to be released 3rd person action/adventure title from EA and Rogue Entertainment, and have posted their initial impressions. This one looks like a winner folks. |
Three Dreamcast Games for the Price of One?
Well the latest rumor floating around over in Europe is that an arcade compilation is planned meaning 3 games on one disc. Hopefully it'll come over to North America because a deal like that would always be welcome by owners of Sega's popular console system. Full details >>HERE |
Sony PlayStation2 Sales Fall...
Uh Oh... that's not good news with the XBox and Gamecube just around the corner. Full details >>HERE |
Banjo-Tooie Review
Gaming Age have posted their review of Banjo-Tooie for the N64. Check it out >>HERE |