News articles - January 2001 |
Sunday, January 14th, 2001 |
Medal of Honor Preview
GameSpot Previews Medal of Honor: Allied Assault looking ahead at the upcoming PC and PlayStation 2 installment in the previously PlayStation-only wargame series. The article gives a rundown on what to expect from the Quake III-engine shooter set in World War II, where you will have ample opportunity to earn some medals, including the namesake Medal of Honor (just try to avoid those Purple Hearts). Included along the way are the first Medal of Honor: Allied Assault screenshots.
Source: Bluesnews
Saturday, January 13th, 2001 |
Kingdom Under Fire Patches
Phantagram has recently released a patch for Kingdom Under Fire, bringing their isometric role-playing RTS to version 1.06a. The game is already out in Korea and Europe, and is expected in US stores any day now (story). Additionally, a version 1.02b patch for the previously released demo (story) is available, but there are no details on the changes in either patch.
Source: Bluesnews
Undying Movies
Electronic Arts sends along two new movies featuring footage from Clive Barker's Undying, the all-but-complete Unreal-engine title from Dreamworks Interactive. The first movie shows some first-person action and is available in both high and low resolution versions, while the second, which is also available in both high and low resolution flavors, contains a look at one of the third-person death sequences. All four are in QuickTime format.
Source: Bluesnews
Antaeus Rising Screenshots
XGR.com have posted over a dozen screenshots from this upcoming Interplay/14Degrees East game titled Antaeus Rising. Check them out >>HERE
Friday, January 12th, 2001 |
No One Lives Forever Tools
As promised, Monolith has released the No One Lives Forever tools for download, allowing you to edit their acclaimed first-person shooter. Here is a local copy with mirrors of the tools, which include DEdit (the NOLF world editor), ModelEdit (the NOLF model editor), LithRez (a command-line program for packing and unpacking NOLF .REZ (Resource) files), Softimage 3.7 exporters, Sample level files and documentation. The NOLF Team also made a .plan update regarding the release.
Source: Bluesnews
Today's Screenshots
Dreamland Chronicles -- [brief look with screenshots]
Global Operations
Marrowind -- [preview with screenshots]
Age of Sail II -- [preview with screenshots]
Himmel and Holle (Heaven and Hell)
Blade of Darkness
Jet Grind Radio Review
3D Gaming Daily have posted up their latest review of Jet Grind Radio for the Dreamcast. Looks like they enjoyed the game and gave it a score of 4.5/5. Check out their review >>HERE
Colin McRae 2.0 Review
ActionTrip posts their latest PC review of Colin McRae 2.0. If you are interested in picking this one up you may want to see what these guys had to say about it. Check out their review >>HERE
Independence War 2 Preview
Gamers.com PC Independence War 2: The Edge of Chaos Preview is online, looking ahead at the upcoming I.W. sequel. The preview is based on some face-time with the game after a visit with Particle Systems and Infogrames to check out its progress. The article, illustrated by a whopping 50 screenshots from their preview build, discusses how the follow-up will differ from the original, including The Edge of Chaos' inclusion of an "entire working universe," the addition of DirectX 8 enhancements, and more.
Source: Bluesnews
Starlancer Review
Gaming Age have posted a review of Starlancer for the Dreamcast. Check out what they had to say about it >>HERE
Thursday, January 11th, 2001 |
Operation Flashpoint Site & Movie
Codemasters has opened their official Operation Flashpoint site for business, showcasing the upcoming 3D tactical action game in development at Bohemia Interactive Studios. Besides a short overview of the game's premise and features as well as some screenshots (some new, some familiar), there is also a new movie trailer that offers well over a minute of gameplay footage in a variety of video formats. And in related news, a new Q&A on Operation-Flashpoint.net grills the developers about a series of very specific game details.
Source: Bluesnews
Today's Screenshots
Steel Soldiers
Project Eden
Hired Team
Evil Islands
Heart of Winter -- [preview with screenshots]
Dark Age of Camelot
Xbox Interview
For those who are eagerly awaiting the Xbox (and reading all the Xbox news), GameSpot UK has posted the first part of an interview with Microsoft's Xbox J Allard. The interview covers controllers, the DVDs, and more.
Source: Stomped
Wednesday, January 10th, 2001 |
Game Patches
Urban Operations v2.52
Combat Mission v1.1
No Escape
Diablo II Rollback Update
A post called Update on characters and the Jan 8th rollback on the Battle.Net forums offers details on the results of the restoration of Diablo II characters lost in the recent "mass murder" cracking incident (story). Included in the post is info on rolled back characters, problems (and the workaround) for restoring characters that are also impacted by the change in the number of characters permitted in each realm (story), and info on the fate of characters that are still unavailable due to being "mistakenly orphaned."
Source: Bluesnews
Dreamcast Broadband NOT Delayed
3D Retreat is reporting that the release date for the Sega broadband adapter for the Dreamcast has been delayed. The original sale date was supposed to be January 9th, but has now been pushed to the 15th "at the latest". Update They now report that Sega has now put the adapter online and it also says the adapter is in stock.
Source: Stomped
DS9: Dominion Wars Preview
Gamers.com have posted their hands-on preview of this upcoming Star Trek title. Check it out >>HERE
Tuesday, January 9th, 2001 |
Links 2001 and MechWarrior 4 Reviews
3D Gaming Daily have posted two new reviews today. The first is a review of Links 2001, they give the latest golf title a 4 out of 5. The second new review they've posted is of MechWarrior 4: Vengeance, which got a 4.5 out of 5. Be sure to check them both out.
The Mummy Reviewed on ActionTrip
That's right! There's a review of this "crappy title from an otherwise very respectable company" over at ActionTrip today. Check out what they had to saw in their Mummy review >>HERE
Oni Movies and Screenshots
GameSpot have posted a whopping 5 new movies of Oni, the upcoming 3rd person action title from Bungie. And while you are at it why not check out 15 brand new screenshots over at XGR.com.
Jumpgate Preview
A new preview of Jumpgate, the massively multiplayer space sim from Netdevil, is up at IanStorm this morning. The preview is based on the author's hands-on experience with the current beta test, and contains his overall impressions, lots of gameplay details and quite a few screenshots.
Source: Bluesnews
Breed Movies
Developers Brat Designs have released a whopping eleven movie clips of Breed (pop-up alert), showing off their upcoming 3D action/strategy game in motion. The clips are quite short, with a running time between 2 and 9 seconds, but amply demonstrate the mix of surface- and space-based combat that this game intends to bring to PC and Xbox platforms towards the end of the year. Update: GameSpot has taken the trouble of compiling all clips into one convenient 59 second movie.
Source: Bluesnews
Myth III Announced
Although we actually discovered this game last week (story) Gathering of Developers has formally announced Myth III: The Wolf Age this morning. While the press release doesn't contain much more than what we reported last week, it does have details about Mumbo Jumbo, a new studio formed by Ritual's Ron Dimant and Mark Dochtermann. The Myth III team at Mumbo Jumbo consists of Scott Campbell, who was lead designer on the original Fallout, lead programmer Andrew Meggs, and Ritual level designer Patrick Hook. Also, the press release states that the game will continue the series' commitment to cross-platform development, and it will appear on the PC as well as both Mac OS 9 and OS X.
Source: Bluesnews
Half-Life 2 For Xbox?
This month's issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly magazine focused on the Xbox and in a list of Xbox titles that were supposedly "confirmed" in a side-bar article, one of the games mentioned was Half-Life 2. Curious as to why this news had not heen revealed before, Stomped contacted Half-Life's publisher Sierra Studios to find out if this was true. A spokesperson for the publisher told Stomped that EGM did not contact Sierra to fact check their list and that there have been no announcements at all concerning Half-Life 2.
Source: Stomped
Monday, January 8th, 2001 |
Anachronox Preview
Computer Games Online have posted a preview of Anachronox, ION Storm's upcoming RPG title, check it out >>HERE
Today's Screenshots
Battlecruiser Millenium -- [preview with screenshots]
Ace of Angels -- [preview with screenshots]
Tropico -- [preview with screenshots]
Diablo II Hoax Warning
It's not apparent how widespread this is, but Rob, a concerned reader, passes along a warning that he received what is pretty obviously a hoax email claiming to be from Blizzard support (but from a diablo2.yada.yada email address rather than from Blizzard.com). The mail, replete with misspellings as cues, requests the user's Battle.net username and password, supposedly related to restoring accounts harmed in the recent cracking incident (story, story, and story). As far as we know, Battle.Net is not requesting any private user information for the process, as is usually the case in situations like this.
Source: Bluesnews
Sonic Shuffle Review
Gaming Age has posted a review of this less than impressive Dreamcast title. I recommend you read this review of Sonic Shuffle before rushing out to buy it.
Grandia II for the PC?
Currently a Sega Dreamcast exclusive RPG title, this one will be heading to a PC near you very soon. By the looks of the screenshots it looks as though it isn't going to be just a straight port either. I thought it looked great on the Dreamcast, it's even better looking on the PC. Be sure to check out this firstlook of Grandia II on Gaming Age.
Sunday, January 7th, 2001 |
Shenmue Review
3D Gaming Daily have posted their review of Shenmue, the massive adventure title on the Dreamcast. They gave the game a final score of 4 out of 5... here's a blurb:
In addition to the game’s 3 CD’s, Shenmue includes a Passport CD which allows you to connect to the internet to share scores and objects, play tutorials and see previews to upcoming games. You don’t actually get to play the game online, just share information and the likes. It does help add to the overall playability of the game but by no means makes the game revolutionary. The internet extra seems to me like more of a late addition to the game rather than a thoroughly thought out and integrated segment of the game.
Check out the full review >>HERE
Evil Islands Preview and Screenshots
Also on 3D Gaming Daily today is a new preview of Evil Islands, as well as, a few new screenshots. Check it out >>HERE
Diablo II Character Restoration Today
All of you who had your Diablo II hardcore and standard characters get killed in the Battle.net Realms server because of those nasty hacks will hopefully get their "lives" back. This notice on Battle.net's web page states that the process of restoring those characters will begin later today around 6 p.m. PST (9 p.m. EST). The Realms servers are scheduled to be down 24 hours while the restorations are taking place, with the exception of the Asian server which will take 30 hours.
Source: Stomped
Saturday, January 6th, 2001 |
Aquarius Movie
A brief update on the official Aquarius site reports that this 3D action/strategy game by developers Jack in the Box has now reached beta version 1.0, and to highlight its current state they have released a new gameplay movie. The movie is available in two sizes and clocks in at a whopping 4:50 minutes, showing off the engine's ability to render the landscape from above as well as in ground-level first- and third-person modes, demonstrating combat in flying vehicles, tanks and on foot, and illustrating the visual extravaganza with which the action ensues.
Source: Bluesnews
Today's Screenshots
Project Eden
Carnivores: Ice Age
Shogun Expansion
Heart of Winter
Gangsters 2
Fallout Tactics
PlanetSide Preview
Daily Radar have posted a preview of PlanetSide. Check it out >>HERE
More Undying Movies
Two new movies from Clive Barker's Undying, the nearly complete Unreal-engine title from Dreamworks Interactive are up at PC.IGN this morning. These movies are different from the two that were released yesterday (story), however like those, they are in QuickTime format, and available in two different sizes.
Source: Bluesnews
XBox Pics at Stomped
In case you weren't lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the XBox before the pics were forced off of every website, Stomped now has official pics that won't disappear anytime soon. And once again, you have to check out these shots, the XBox looks very cool.
Friday, January 5th, 2001 |
Stupid Invaders Review
Today on ActionTrip you get to check out their latest review of Stupid Invaders, the latest adventure title loosely based on the cartoon Space Goofs. Is it any good? Read the review here to find out.
Undying Movies
The newly unveiled GameSpyDaily has posted two movies featuring footage from Clive Barker's Undying, as well as some photos of Clive recording voice-over work for the game. The two movies are both in QuickTime format, and are available in both high and low resolution versions.
Source: Bluesnews
Today's Screenshots
Hired Team
Sudden Strike
Battlecruiser Millenium
Wizardry 8
Tropico Preview
Games Domain have posted a preview of Tropico, the upcoming strategy title from PopTop... interesting name. Check out the preview >>HERE
Empire Earth Preview
There is a preview of Empire Earth, the upcoming strategy game by Stainless Steel Studios, on GameSpot UK today. Check it out >>HERE
Mint Map for Rogue Spear Released
Woohoo! John Sonedecker from Red Storm converted the Mint map from the original Rainbow Six to the Rogue Spear format. The map has been released and you can get it from Pie's Tactics or Rogue Spear Retreat. The map is only 1.11megs and should be fun to play. I only played it once in single player a long time ago so I don't really remember the map but Snicker kept telling me about his fond memories of that map in multiplayer. Unzip the map to you Rogue Spear\data directory using folder names.
Source: Stomped
No Project IGI 2 After All
Well, it just goes to prove you can't trust anyone. Earlier on the ProjectIGI.com message board, a person claiming to be from Eidos stated that a sequel to the first/third person military shooter was being considered and would be released in late 2001. Sorry folks. According to Blue's News, Henning Rokling, the managing director at the game's developer Innerloop, sent them an email stating that the message board post (which can be seen here) was not made by a person from Eidos after all and that no sequel to Project IGI is in development.
Source: Stomped
Dreamcast Broadband Nearly Here
Quake III Arena fans will be jumping for joy because the most anticipated peripheral for the DC will be here January 9th. Full story >>HERE
PlayStation 2 Narrowband Modem
Sony is keeping quiet about their online strategy but it looks as though other companies are starting to talk about it. Full story >>HERE
Thursday, January 4th, 2001 |
Quake III Team Arena Review
ActionTrip have posted their review of Quake III Team Arena, check it out >>HERE
Oni Preview
Stomped has posted a hands-on preview of Oni. It's hardly an in-depth view of the game but it is only a preview afterall. Check it out >>HERE
Today's Screenshots
Warrior Kings
Tribes 2
Neverwinter Nights
Age of Wonders 2 Revealed
Flipping through the Gathering of Developers calendar reveals another previously unannounced game, Age of Wonders 2: The Wizard's Throne. There isn't much listed for the game, but it does say that it utilizes a "top of the line Direct 3D graphics engine" and contains "enhanced empire and character building." Like the original it's developed by Triumph Studios, and an early 2002 release date is listed.
Source: Bluesnews
Myth III: The Wolf Age Revealed
A shiny gold master of Oni care of Gathering of Developers arrived today, complete with the Gathering of Goodness calendar that will also be sent out to members of their fan club (along with a CD that may contain more on the game). The calendar, like last year's edition, features a different game and scantily clad woman for each month, and the big shocker is that the game featured in October is none other than Myth III: The Wolf Age, from developer Mumbo Jumbo. You may recall that GoD acquired the rights to the Myth series along with Oni (story), however they have never formally announced any plans for a new Myth title.
Source: Bluesnews
Age of Sail II Preview
There's a preview of Age of Sail II, the upcoming strategy title, up on Sharky Games today. Check it out >>HERE
Top 10 Selling PC Games Of 2000
Quarter To Three has posted an article which gives out the hard numbers of the top 10 selling PC games of 2000. The numbers go to the end of October 2000 and have both copies and actual gross dollar amounts as registered by PC Data. Both Quake III Arena and Unreal Tournament (both released in late 1999) appear on the list but as you might expect Diablo II and The Sims take everyone else down as the number 2 and 1 top selling game on the list (with only The Sims selling over one million copies).
Source: Stomped
Wednesday, January 3rd, 2001 |
Project IGI Review
Another review of Project IGI has popped up and today it is by the guys over at ActionTrip. Check out what they had to say in their review >>HERE
Cultures Review
The reviews never seem to stop at ActionTrip as they have also posted a review of Cultures today also. Check it out >>HERE
Sudden Strike Goes Gold!
Gone Gold reports that the US edition of Sudden Strike has gone gold and is expected in stores around the end of this month. Sudden Strike is an isometric RTS set in WWII created by German companies Fireglow and CDV that is already out in that country, and it's published in North America by Strategy First.
Source: Bluesnews
Three Kingdoms Preview
Gamespot UK have posted a preview of Three Kingdoms, the upcoming strategy title from Overmax Studios. Check it out >>HERE
Operation Flashpoint Preview
Computer Games Online have posted a preview of Operation Flashpoint, a tactical shooter from Bohemia Interactive. I'm a big fan of the tactical shooter titles, hopefully this one will be great. Check out the preview >>HERE
Today's Screenshots
Ozzy's Black Skies
Official XBox Pics
Well after seeing many fakes there are now official pics of the XBox, the new console system due out near the end of this year. I'm sure that I'm not the first person to say that this system looks very cool in design. Be sure to check them out >>HERE
EverQuest Reaches New Record
A new record has been set for the massively popular online RPG title. 80,000, yes 80,000 people logged in on New Year's Day. Now that's some major bandwidth, can you imagine the server load?. Check out the full story >>HERE
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty Preview
I bet you can't name one person, PS2 fan or not, who isn't anticipating this release. If it's even half as good as the original it'll win tons of awards. Check out the preview on Gaming Age >>HERE
Tuesday, January 2nd, 2001 |
Freedom: First Resistance Review
The guys over at ActionTrip have posted their review of Freedom: First Resistance. Check out what they had to say about it >>HERE
Best of 2000: Readers Choice Awards
Interested in finding out what the gamers favorite picks are for 2000? Well now is your chance because ActionTrip have posted their Readers Choice Awards. Check is out >>HERE
Blade Preview
Computer Games Online have posted a preview of Blade of Darkness. The preview talks about the gameplay mostly, which is exactly what most people want to know about. Anyhow... check out the preview >>HERE
Cossacks Preview
Gamespy.com are busy today as well with a preview of Cossacks: European Wars, an upcoming strategy title. Check that out >>HERE
Sega Fights Back
After a holiday weekend that saw rumors of possible Sega dealings reported as fact, the Sega brain trust is trying to stop the bleeding. If nothing else, Sega doesn't want periodicals like the NY Times stealing its thunder when it announces these covert deals. Full article >>HERE
Sony to Ship 11 Million PS2 Systems
With Christmas over, Sony finally gives people what they should've gotten many months ago, a PS2. Now we'll finally be able to see just how well the system stacks up against the competition now that most people CAN buy them. Full article >>HERE
Conker still on the N64
Despite the rumours that have been circulating, Conker will definitely hit the N64 in 2 months. Full article >>HERE
Oni Goes Gold
Gone Gold reports that the third-person anime action game, Oni has gone gold for PC, Playstation2, and Mac. For some reason it is not expected to ship until the 29th of this month however.
Source: Stomped