News articles - October 2000 |
Tuesday, October 31st, 2000 |
Panzer General III Patch
The official Panzer General III site now has a v1.1 patch for the game. Download it >>HERE |
Age of Sail II, Devil Inside Movies
TalonSoft has new movies for both of these upcoming titles... check them out >>HERE |
Tomb Raider Next Generation Shots
Here are the two first screenshots of this upcoming Tomb Raider title. It's the first to use an all new game engine, could be interesting. Check out the shots >>HERE |
Sea Dogs Preview
GA-RPG has posted a preview of this upcoming RPG title Akella and Bethesda Softworks. Check it out >>HERE |
Project Eden Preview
Gamespot UK has posted a preview of this upcoming squard-based action game from Tomb Raider developers Core Design. Check it out >>HERE |
No Escape Trailer
3D Gamers has posted this movie trailer of the upcoming "Smash TV meets Quake" action game. Check it out >>HERE |
New Gran Turismo 3 Trailer
Waiting patiently for this upcoming PS2 title? The movie trailer
is >>HERE ... Drool on!! |
LucasArts Announces X-Wing Trilogy
LucasArts has announced that they will be re-releasing the classic
X-Wing, Tie Fighter, and X-Wing Alliance titles in a collector's pack later this year... full article is >>HERE |
Nintendo/Sega Joint Venture Debunked
It seems that someone made an error in translating the Japanese document and the rumors of Nintendo and Sega joining forces are not true. Full article >>HERE |
Here is a screenshot comparison of No One Lives Forever with anti-aliasing enabled and disabled. Quite a difference, check it out >>HERE |
Monday, October 30th, 2000 |
Unreal: Return to Na Pali Patch
The version 226 patch can be downloaded Infogrames FTP server >>HERE |
Aquarius Movie
Check out the movie trailer of this upcoming 3D strategy title >>HERE |
American McGee Q&A
Here's a brief interview with American Mcgee, the lead designer of American Mcgee's Alice, the upcoming third person action/adventure title. I'm really looking forward to this game... check it out >>HERE |
Rune Patch Today
AVault is reporting that there will be a patch for Rune by the end of the day that'll fix a bug in level 34 of the game. I'll post a link as soon as I have one. The article is >>HERE |
Operation Flashpoint Preview
Check out this preview of this upcoming first person tacticla war sim from Bohemia Interactive. >>HERE |
Battle Isle: The Andosia War Preview
Here's a preview of an upcoming 3D strategy title from Blue Byte, check it out >>HERE |
Only a few new screenshots today, but worth mentioning...
Starfleet Command II
Magic & Mayhem
BattleCruiser Millennium |
GameWeek Top 20 PC Game Sales
GameWeek has posted its Top 20 PC game sales list for the week of October 15th to 21st. The Sims is at number one, with Rainbow Six: Covert Ops at 16 and Delta Force 2 at 2.
Source: Stomped |
Rune Map Bug
Avault is reporting on a Rune map bug that prevents players from progressing. They have a couple solutions to get past it until a patch is released later today. There is also word of net code enhancements soon and more deathmatch maps.
Source: Stomped |
NOLF: The Movie
There are reports from Event Magazine that say No One Lives Forver, the upcoming first person shooter, could be heading to the big screen... wow and the game hasn't even come out yet. Read up on it >>HERE |
Rune v1.01 Patch
This patch fixes a lot of game issues that could prevent you from finishing the game without having to cheat... I recommend you download it immediately. Get the patch >>HERE |
Sunday, October 29th, 2000 |
More Screenshots today...
Tribes 2
Far Gate -- [preview with screenshots]
Giants |
Evil Dead Interview
Here's an interview with Scott Krager of THQ on the upcoming Evil Dead game. Check it out >>HERE |
Deus Ex Multiplayer?
This Joystick article (in French, but you can get a poor translation at Babelfish) reports on playing Deus Ex multiplayer at the Ion Storm offices recently. The author mentions that there will only be deathmatch. It will reportedly be included in an upcoming patch.
Source: Stomped |
Slow day for news, these were the only interesting
things I could find... |
Saturday, October 28th, 2000 |
I'll start the day off with some screenshots...
Etherlords -- [different set]
Harbringer -- [7 more here]
Stupid Invaders
Zero-G Marines
Giants: Citizen Kabuto
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - The Fallen
Tomb Raider: Chronicles -- [preview with screenshots]
No One Lives Forever
Evil Dead Mania
The official homepage now offers the intro to the game in four different formats. Check it out >>HERE |
X-Tension Patch
There's a new beta patch of this space combat expansion pack that will work with both English and German copies of the game.
Download it >>HERE |
MechWarrior 4 Movies
There are 4 movies featuring in-game footage, grab them >>HERE |
Gangsters 2 Preview
Daily Radar has posted a preview of this upcoming title, read it >>HERE |
Final Fantasy XI Details
This game will be released for both PC and PS2, RPG fans should be excited, read it >>HERE |
Gaming Clichés
This is definitely a fun, offbeat, article dealing with some of the clichés you're bound to encounter in today's PC games... check it out >>HERE |
Deus Ex Guide
Check out this huge strategy guide >>HERE |
Playstation 2 Play
For those who didn't get their own PS2 yet, this article goes in-depth into providing specs, and the playing experience... check it out >>HERE |
Links 2001 in Stores
Microsoft has announced today that their latest golf title has started to appear on store shelves. Read the info >>HERE |
Friday, October 27th, 2000 |
New SWAT 3 Characters
There are 5 new characters available today at AVault,
download them >>HERE |
The Unholy Movie
Here's a movie showing game footage from this upcoming first person RPG, watch it >>HERE |
Sacrifice Goes Gold
A lot of people are waiting for this 3D strategy game and I must say it looks impressive, watch for a review shortly after it's release... info on it going gold on the official website >>HERE |
Blair Witch 3 Interview
Here's an interview with Jon Galloway of Ritual Entertainment regarding the upcoming Blair Witch title. Read it >>HERE |
Rune Ships!
The long awaited action/adventure title has finally shipped to stores... full info >>HERE and be sure to check back to the site for a full review next week. |
As usual, some screenshots...
Dark Conspiracy -- [preview with screenshots]
No One Lives Forever
Evil Twin |
Undying Preview
Here's a preview of Clive Barker's Undying, this one uses the Unreal engine and is sure to impress... check it out >>HERE |
Gunlok Preview
Check out the preview of this upcoming action/strategy game >>HERE |
Delta Force: Land Warrior Gold
According to the press release it has gone gold and should appear on store shelves as early as November 8. Read it >>HERE |
Escape from Monkey Island Gold
This one should hit the stores the week of November 6th, I really can't wait for it, this is one of the best darn series of all time! No link for this one... |
Sega going multiplatform?
Has Sega finally made the decision to develop games for rival systems? Read the article >>HERE |
Microsoft Hacked
Well it's about time somebody did it... read the full article >>HERE |
PS2 Problems
Looks like some of the 3rd party DVD remotes may be recalled because they don't work... they did a bang up job rushing everything for the PS2 launch and it shows, the full article is >>HERE |
Wednesday, October 25th, 2000 |
Half-Life Released!
The new patch is officially out and here are a few places where you can
download it...
3D Action Gamer
Halflife.net |
New Oni Screenshots
Here are a few more screenshots from Oni, the upcoming third person action game by Bungie... >>HERE |
Rogue Spear Dreamcast Dev Diary
Here's part four of the developer diary for Rogue Spear on the Dreamcast. It explains what made it into the DC version of the game...
check it out >>HERE |
Ten Worst Games of the Year
Sharky games has posted the ten worst games this year... I love these lists, they're always a great read. Check it out >>HERE |
Blair Witch Volume 2 Ships
That's right, it's shipped to stores... check out the info >>HERE |
New Max Payne Screenshots
Some new screenshots to drool over... if this game ever gets released it should be pretty cool... view them >>HERE |
Flesh & Blood in Development, First Screenshots
Here are details and screenshots from this upcoming 3D strategy game by JoWood. Check it out >>HERE |
Ready for Screenshots? Here I go...
Gunman Chronicles
No Name War
MechWarrior 4
Namco developing for GameCube and X-Box
The company famous for games like Soul Calibur will producing games for these next-gen consoles. I can't wait... read up on it >>HERE |
B-17 Flying Fortress 2 Delayed
There's nothing this gamer hates more than delays.. full details >>HERE |
October 24th, 2000 |
Netscape Communicator 4.76
Not necessarily game news but useful info nonethless. This new release fixes stability issues... download it >>HERE |
Gunman Website And Screenshots
The official website is up for this cool looking FPS using the Half-Life engine, a must see! Check it out and also the posted screenshots >>HERE |
Tribes 2 Videos
Bad Karma has posted 6 new videos of Tribes 2... not much to say except download them immediately >>HERE |
Freedow: First Resistance Preview
Here's a preview of this upcoming FPS by Red Storm, it's looking good so far, check it out >>HERE |
UT 435 Release Notes
Gotta love Epic Megagames, they give us the best FPS ever IMO and continue to update and improve it... read the release notes for the latest beta patch v4.35 >>HERE |
Battle Isle Screenshots
This is an exclusive over at GA-Strategy, check them out >>HERE |
Tomb Raider: Chronicles Movie
Check out this intro from the latest Tomb Raider >>HERE |
MechWarrior 4 Preview
Daily Radar has posted a preview of this cool looking game, check
it out >>HERE |
Tony Hawk reaches a million
1 Million units of Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 have been shipped... wil this be a good game? You bet, read up on the info >>HERE |
Red Alert 2 is out!
I know a lot of you are anxiously waiting to play this
one, more info. in the press release >>HERE |
October 23rd, 2000 |
Pac-Man: Adventures in Time in Stores
I don't know if this is good or bad, I always fear remakes of classic arcade titles, Frogger 2 was cool though... read the news >>HERE |
Resident Evil 3 Demo Released
It's out just in time for Halloween, download it >>HERE |
Tribes 2 Equipment Pack Shots
Here are some exclusive Tribes 2 shots, check them out >>HERE |
Halo Update
Here's an update on how Halo is coming along... I, for one, cannot wait for this game to hit the shelves... read up >>HERE |
Quake 3: Team Arena Trivia Contest Extension
Think you know Quake 3? Well try out the trivia quiz for a chance to win hardware and various other prizes... >>HERE |
Top 20 Best Selling PC Games For Week Of Oct. 8
Check out this list to find out what kind of games people are loving to buy... >>HERE |
Elite Force FAQ
Version 1.0 of this new FAQ is posted up, check it out >>HERE |
Starfleet Command Volume II Screens
Here's a detailed list of new features being added to the game. as well as, some new screenshots... >>HERE |
Elite Force Tweak Guide
So you want Elite Force to run better, eh? Well hurry and check out this guide >>HERE |
Gunman Chronicles Interview
Here's an interview for the first game to use the Half-Life engine since, well... Half-Life, this game should rock! Check it out >>HERE |
SWAT 3: Elite Edition Walkthrough
Stuck in SWAT3? Read the walkthrough >>HERE |
Sacrifice Preview
Here's a preview of this upcoming strategy game from Shiny, this game is looking very cool.. read up >>HERE |
Starship Troopers Preview
Here's another great looking game, sort of reminded me of X-Com. Read up on it >>HERE |
Drool time... here are some new screenshots
Blair Witch 3
Project Eden
Iron Dignity
Technomage |
Final Fantasy IX on Microsoft’s Xbox?
If Microsoft keeps this up they'll pull any success of the PS2 right from under them, read up on it >>HERE |
PlayStation2 Launch Cripples the Industry
The launch is gonna be huge... take my advice and stay away from the stores Oct. 26th or you may be killed in the craze, Sony isn't the only ones getting hurt though, detailed info >>HERE |
Microsoft Snags Oddworld from Sony
Nobody can stand up against the money and power behinf Microsoft as they snag another title right from under the feet of Sony,
full article is up >>HERE |
Pokémon Sales Blasts through Million Mark
Really? That's a big surprise, full details >>HERE |
Here's a quick laugh to end the days news
A sniper rifle for Halo, nice design... >>HERE |
October 21st, 2000 |
realMyst Demo Patch
If you downloaded the original demo you might be interested in this update. It fixes mouse issues, Direct3D and Glide compatibility and a few other things, grab it >>HERE |
On Rune Piracy...
Looks as though a pirated copy of this game has leaked out... read up on what the developers at Human Head Studios has to say about it >>HERE |
Tribes 2 Interview
This game is looking pretty neat, read through the preview, it should be out soon. >>HERE |
Tim Sweeney Interview
Here's an interesting interview on the future of the Unreal engine... check it out >>HERE |
Dark Age of Camelot Website Launched
Mythic Entertainment has launched the official site for this upcoming RPG title. >>HERE |
Battlecruiser Millenium Screenshots
24 posted, check them out >>HERE |
Startopia Update & Screenshots
Here's an update on the progress of this upcoming strategy title by Mucky Foot, there are a few screenshows as well... >>HERE |
Delta Force: Land Warrior Screenshots
There are 2 screenshots posted, looks pretty cool so far, check
it out >>HERE |
Neverwinter Nights Interview
This is an interview with Bioware about their upcoming RPG title... sure to be another hit title, read up on it >>HERE |
Preview of MDK2 Armageddon on the PS2
What caught my eye with this news article is that this is an entirely new game, not just another port of the PC version... read up on it >>HERE |
October 20th, 2000 |
Alice Movie
This game is looking very cool, grab the movie right away... >>HERE |
No One Lives Forever Gold
That's right, gold! Check out the Press Release >>HERE |
Emperor Preview
Games Domain have printed a preview of this upcoming title,
check it out >>HERE |
The Mummy Screenshots
Six new high-res screenshots of this Tomb Raider style game... >>HERE |
Star Trek: Away Team
Here's an article regarding this upcoming tactical combat game set in the Trek universe... >>HERE |
Devil Inside Gone Gold according to... well... Gone Gold
It'll finally be out... this game looks very interesting and should hit the store shelves just in time for Halloween. >>HERE |
Last Ninja: The Return on the PS2?
That's right, the Commodore 64 title is gonna live again, bet it'll be a little improved in the graphic department :) >>HERE |
As usual here are some new screenshots...
MechWarrior 4
Giants Box
Anarchy Online
Kingdom Under Fire
Paradise Cracked
Dungeon Slaves |
PS2 Games Already On Sale
Retailers are encouraging people to purchase games before they receive their system... it's crazy... read up on it >>HERE |
October 19th, 2000 |
Neverwinter Nights FAQ
BioWare has updated their official Neverwinter Nights, check it out >>HERE |
Some more screenshots to drool over...
No One Lives Forever
Blade of Darkness
Sudden Strike
Iron Dignity
Red Alert 2 |
Unreal 2 Shots Clarification
Here's some info regarding those Unreal 2 shots, seems as though they don't represent anything close to what the finished product will look like... read up on it >>HERE |
SWAT 3: Elite Edition Mission
Interested in the 5th and final free mission? Download it >>HERE |
PC vs. Dreamcast Q3A Official
Looks like you'll be able to kick your PC buddies ass in Q3A, it's been confirmed that the DC version can play against PC gamers,
read up on it >>HERE |
The Mummy Shots
Check out some first screenshots of The Mummy for PC... >>HERE |
Project IGI Preview & Movie
Here's a preview and movie of the upcoming 3D shooter for the PC, check it out >>HERE |
Baldur's Gate II Fix
I'm sure this news will be valuable to some people.. there's a work around for a certain bug in the game, check it out >>HERE |
SegaNet reaches 100,000 members
Sounds like it's really growing, read up on it >>HERE |
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 Goes Gold
The PC that is... I'm still waiting for the DC one myself but hey, the sooner the better for this soon to be classic. >>HERE |
New DOA2:Hardcore screens!
Here are some new screens of the PS2 version of this game, drool on! View them >>HERE |
Q3A For Dreamcast Ships
It's out! Need I say more... go buy it or read up on the info >>HERE |
October 18th, 2000 |
Blade Interview
Members of the Blade of Darkness development team are interviewed
on GameSpot UK, talking about their upcoming third person action game... read the article >>HERE |
Hitman Preview
A new brief (but hands-on) preview of Hitman: Codename 47 is up at Gamers.com... I looking forward to this one, check it out >>HERE |
MechWarrior 4 Preview
Here's a preview of the upcoming Mech game. There is always a few new screenshots available. Check it >>HERE |
Want new screenshots? Sure you do... here's the latest
Unreal 2
Blitz-Disc Arena
Star Trek: Bridge Commander
4x4 Evolution
Sacrifice |
realMYST Goes Gold
You'll find the article >>HERE |
The Grouch demo on DemoNews
This is a strange looking demo where you're a Barbarian... you may want to check it out >>HERE |
Updated Info on Oni and Halo Surfaces
These games are highly anticipated but are still a long way
off... check out the info >>HERE |
Matsushita Says DVD Never for Gamecube
This is sad news indeed... the Gamecube looks like an interesting console. Without DVD it'll be hard for it to hold it's ground up against monsters like the PS2 and upcoming X-Box. Read up on this
article >>HERE |
Shenmue, NFL2K1 to be best holiday sellers?
According to a recent poll, Dreamcast titles seem to sell very well. Check it out >>HERE |
Free Ground Control Expansion
What? Sierra giving out more free stuff... apparantly so, check
it out >>HERE |
October 17th, 2000 |
Zero-G Shots
Gamers Pulse has posted the first four screenshots to surface from Zero-G Marines, a first person action/strategy game from
Strategy First... check it out >>HERE |
Blair Witch 2 Gold
Blair Witch Volume 2: The Legend of Coffin Rock, the Nocturne-engine title from Rune developers Human Head has gone gold.
Read the press release >>HERE |
Blade of Darkness Preview & Shots
This is an interesting looking title, check out the preview >>HERE |
Blitz - Disc Arena Update & Screenshots
Check out the info on this upcoming futuristic sports arena game. I dunno about you but it looks pretty damn cool! Info >>HERE |
RUNE Screenshots
More screenshots... I don't think I need to bother saying anything here, I know you're already drooling. Check them out >>HERE |
October 16th, 2000 |
New SWAT 3: Elite Edition Mission
A new exclusive mission for SWAT 3: Elite Edition is now available for download at PC.IGN... Grab it >>HERE |
Pool of Radiance Interview
A new interview with SSI's Jon Kromrey is up at Daily Radar...
Check it out >>HERE |
Lots of screenshots today...
Starfleet Command II
Mechwarrior 4
Scars of Velious |
New movie of Hitman Codename 47
This game is looking very cool, check out the movie >>HERE |
RUNE Movies
It's RUNE... nuff said.. check them out >>HERE |
First Details on Final Xbox Design
This is really disappointing -- there's nothing here that sounds at all groundbreaking... but if you're bored check it out >>HERE |
Sega Bundles Dreamcast with DVD Player
Is this a lame attempt to steal some of Sony's thunder? You decide... check it out >>HERE |
Warcraft III Delayed to Late 2001
I'd be lying through my teeth if I said I didn't see this coming...
check it out >>HERE |
PS2 Games Invading Stores
And the system isn't even out yet... full details >>HERE |